Arabian Spar scaffold always follow the OSHA (USA), Saudi Aramco KSA, and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE recommended safety procedure requirements guidelines in manufacturing, storing, suppling, erecting, dismantling, etc. of scaffolding products—like scaffolding pipe , galvanised tubes, Scaffold steel board, scaffold metal deck, etc. and services in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar, Dubai, UAE and other MENA countries. However, this article is based on OSHA scaffold safety guidelines. The scaffold safety procedure requirements are given in detail with more specific information in the OSHA guidebook. But same safety requirements in this article are given in brief.
There are some common but very important safety requirements for scaffolds and the workers or employees related to construction industries in KSA, Abu Dhabi, EAE…such as,
The first is the training of all workers who perform tasks on the scaffold fully understand the correct safety procedures and guidelines for the safe use of scaffolds demands that they be erected, moved, dismantled, and maintained properly, and that follow the instructions, consider the hazards, use a tagging system, inspect and re-inspect, etc.
In this article, we have provided with an outline of common most important scaffold safety procedure requirements.
Safety Requirements for Scaffolds

Capacity Requirements for Scaffolds Safety
What are the capacity requirements for all scaffold safety?
- Each scaffold and scaffold component must support without failure its own weight and at least four times the maximum intended load applied or transmitted to it.
- A qualified person must design the scaffolds, which are loaded in accordance with that design.
- Scaffolds and scaffold components must not be loaded in excess of their maximum intended loads or rated capacities, whichever is less.
- Load carrying timber members should be a minimum of 1,500 lb-f/in2 construction grade lumber.
Scaffold Platform Construction Safety Requirements

Scaffold safety requirements for platform construction
- Every platform must be planked and decked as fully as possible with the space between the platform and uprights not more than 1 inch (2.5 centimeters) wide.
- The space must not exceed 9 inches (24.1 centimetersm) when side brackets or odd-shaped structures result in a wider opening between the platform and the uprights.
The safety requirements for scaffold planking
The safety requirements for scaffold planking in the construction works are:
- Scaffold planking must be able to support, without failure, its own weight and at least four times the intended load.
- Solid sawn wood, fabricated planks, and fabricated platforms may be used as scaffold planks following the recommendations by the manufacturer or a lumber grading association or inspection agency.
What is the maximum deflection requirement of a scaffold platform?

The platform must not deflect more than 1/60 of the span when loaded.
Are there requirements for work on scaffold platforms cluttered with debris?
The scaffold standard rule prohibits work on scaffold platforms cluttered with debris.
How wide does the construction work area need to be on scaffolding platform?
Each scaffold platform and walkway must be at least 18 inches (46 centimeters) wide. When the work area is less than 18 inches (46 centimeters) wide, guardrails and/or personal fall arrest systems must be used.
Are guardrails required on all open sides of scaffolding platform?
The scaffolding standard requires employers to protect each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet (3.1 m) above a lower level from falling to that lower level.
To ensure adequate safety protection, install guardrails along all open sides and ends before releasing the scaffold for use by employees, other than the erection and dismantling crews.
Guardrails are not required, when
- the front end of all scaffold platforms are less than 14 inches (36 centimeters) from the face of the work,
- outrigger scaffolds platform are 3 inches (8 centimeters) or less from the front edge,
- scaffold employees are plastering and lathing 18 inches (46 centimeters) or less from the front edge.
What materials are unacceptable for guardrails in scaffold platform? Steel or plastic banding must not be used as a top-rail or a mid-rail scaffold platform.
Safety Criteria Requirements for Supported Scaffolds

Supported Scaffolds
- Supported scaffolds are platforms supported by legs, outrigger beams, brackets, poles, uprights, posts, frames, or similar rigid support.
- The structural members, poles, legs, posts, frames, and uprights, must be plumb and braced to prevent swaying and displacement scaffold platforms.
Training requirement for employees working on supported scaffolds
All scaffolding platform employees working in construction industries must be trained by a qualified scaffolding person to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and how to control or minimize those hazards. The training must include fall hazards, falling object hazards, electrical hazards, proper use of the scaffold, and handling of materials.
Supported scaffolds need to be restrained from tipping

Supported scaffolds platform with a height to base width ratio of more than 4:1 must be restrained by guying, tying, bracing, or an equivalent means.
Prevention of supported scaffolding platform from tipping
Either the scaffolding manufacturers’ recommendation or the following placements must be used for guys, ties, and braces:
- Install guys, ties, or braces at the closest horizontal member to the 4:1 height and repeat vertically with the top restraint no further than the 4:1 height from the top of scaffold.
- Vertically, every 20 feet (6.1 meters) or less for scaffolds less than three feet (0.91 meters) wide; every 26 feet (7.9 meters) or less for scaffolds more than three feet (0.91 meters) wide.
- Horizontally, at each end; at intervals not to exceed 30 feet (9.1 meters) from one end.
What are the footing and foundation requirements for supported scaffolds?

The footing and foundation safety requirements for supported scaffolds are the
Supported scaffolds’ poles, legs, posts, frames, and uprights which must bear on base plates and mud sills, or other adequate firm foundation.
Which equipment are used to support scaffold platforms and when?
- Forklifts are used to support platforms only when the entire platform is attached to the fork and the forklift does not move horizontally when workers are on the platform.
- Front-end loaders and similar equipment are used to support scaffold platforms only when they have been specifically designed by the manufacturer for such use.
Can stilts materials be used to increase the working level height of employees on supported scaffolds?
Yes, stilts materials can be used on a large area scaffold platform. When a guardrail system is used, the guardrail height must be increased in height equal to the height of the stilts. But the manufacturer must approve any alterations to the stilts.
Safety Criteria Requirements for Suspended Scaffolds

A suspension scaffold contains one or more platforms suspended by ropes or other non-rigid means from an overhead structure, like single-point, multipoint, multi-level, two-point, adjustable, boatswains’ chair, catenary, chimney hoist, continuous run, elevator false car, go-devils, interior hung, masons’, and stone setters’. Some of the safety criteria requirements for all types of suspension scaffolds are:
- Employers must ensure that all employees are trained to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used.
- All support devices must rest on surfaces capable of supporting at least four times the load imposed on them by the scaffold when operating at the rated load of the hoist, or at least one-and-a-half times the load imposed on them by the scaffold at the stall capacity of the hoist, whichever is greater.
- A competent person must evaluate all direct connections prior to use to confirm that the supporting surfaces are able to support the imposed load.
- All suspended scaffolds must be tied or otherwise secured to prevent them from swaying, as determined by a competent person.
- Guardrails, a personal fall arrest system, or both must protect each employee more than 10 feet (3.1 meters) above a lower level from falling.
- A competent person must inspect ropes for defects prior to each work-shift and after every occurrence that could affect a rope’s integrity.
- When scaffold platforms are more than 24 inches (61 centimeters) above or below a point of access, ladders, ramps, walkways, or similar surfaces must be used.
- When using direct access, the scaffold surface must not be more than 24 inches (61 centimeters) above or 14 inches (36 cm) horizontally from the surface.
- When lanyards are connected to horizontal lifelines or structural members on single-point or two-point adjustable scaffolds, the scaffold must have additional independent support lines equal in number and strength to the suspension lines and have automatic locking devices.
- Emergency escape and rescue devices must not be used as working platforms, unless designed to function as suspension scaffolds and emergency systems.
Counterweights used to balance adjustable suspension scaffolds must be able to resist at least four times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at either the rated load of the hoist, or one-and-a-half (minimum) times the tipping moment imposed by the scaffold operating at the stall load of the hoist, whichever is greater.
Arabian Spar is supported by its qualified and experienced R&D team having the expertise in application of the advanced technology of construction field used in the USA, European Union, Japan, Australia, etc. for scaffoldings production to ensure the scaffolding standard quality of SGS, JIS, ASTM, BS, and others.

Arabian Spar came into being with an aim and objective to be a professional one-stop engineering scaffolding standard quality products and OSHA (USA) standards, Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety Handbook (SSH), and the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM), and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE based scaffolding services supplier for erecting and dismantling of scaffolds temporary platform for construction work in Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK, and other Middle East countries.
Arabian Spar Scaffolding standard quality product materials and scaffolding services which meet OSHA, ARAMCO, Adnoc, Enoc, UAE and SABIC specification and testing are:
A. Arabian Spar Scaffolding Products
- Pipes & Tubes: HR (Black), Galvanized (Hot-Dip) or Pre-galvanized types Round Tubes, Square Tubes, Rectangular Tubes, ERW pipe…
- Cuplock Systems: Vertical Standard (Open End), Ledger (Horizontal), Intermediate
Transom (Horizontal)
- Ringlock Systems: Ledgers, Braces, Hop Up Bracket, Base Collar…
- Tube And Fittings: Galvanised Iron Scaffolding Tubes, Double Coupler, Swivel Coupler, Putlog Coupler, Grider-Coupler, Board Retaining Clamp, Toe Board Couplers, Sleeve Coupler, Ladder Clamp, Rocking Or Swivel Base Plate, Adjustable U Head Jack, Scaffolding Ladder Beams, Scaffolding Ladders, Heavy Duty Self-Closing Scaffolding Gate, Scaffolding Base Plate, Adjustable Base Jack…
- Scaffolding Steel Boards/Plank: Lvl Wooden Scaffold Board, Steel Boards without
Hooks, Steel Boards with Hooks…
- Ladder & Lattice Beams: Scaffolding Ladder Beams, Scaffolding Ladders, Lattice
B. Arabian Spar Scaffolding Services
- Contract Scaffolding Services: Construction and plant maintenance in Oil & Gas and Petrochemical sector
- Hire and Sales: With the i-Hire Inventory Management System and control the movement of the equipment throughout the different branches and client Projects around KSA.
- Scaffolding Design & Inspection: conforming to various standards viz. British, European, and American, Australian, Saudi Aramco and other Middle Eastern client / project specifications.
- Manpower/Training Supply:
- Manpower— On short term and long-term basis for their requirements during Turn around, shutdowns, operation, maintenance, construction and contracting etc.
- Training— Basic Awareness, Intermediate, & Advanced Scaffolding Training…
Support Services
- Design – Specialized Access Scaffold.
- Design – Formwork & False work
- In House Scaffolding Training
- Health and Safety Training
Moreover, by keeping the safety and security of scaffolds structure and workers, scaffolding customers should not compromise with the kinds and quality of scaffolding products and services used in scaffolding works.
Locations for Arabian Spar Scaffolding Products & Services
For Arabian Spar quality scaffolding products and services based on OSHA, Saudi Aramco, and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE safety standard and rules, clients can contact on the following addresses given below:
King Abdullah Road, After Flyover, Behind KPS 33
Post Box -1396, Al- Jubail – 31951,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel : +966 (13) 3619096, +966 (13) 3627320
Fax: 966 (13) 3618032
Email: info@arabianspar.com
PO Box 4424, Ring Road, Exit-22,
Faryan Street, Riyadh-14515
Saudi Arabia
Mobile: +966 533762893
Tel: +966 11 2044947
Fax: +966 11 2044947
email: info@arabianspar.com
PO Box 15188,
815 F – Ibn Battuta Gate Offices,
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 549 985054
Tel:: +971 455 78125
Email: uae@sparindustries.com
Near Riyadh and Saudi
Fransi Bank Behind KPS 33
Al Jubail KSA
Tel : +966 (0)13-3627320
5. RAK – UAE
PO Box 37374, Plot No. P111,
Al Ghail Industrial Park,
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
Tel: +971 7258 9988
Fax: +971 7228 1737
Email: info@sparsteel.com
Website: www.sparsteel.com
6. UK
Suite No. 2, Frendown, Wooderford Road,
London England, E18 2 ED
Tel: +971 7258 9988