The aim and objective of safety procedure applied for scaffold structure and the manpower working on the site is to provide the mandatory requirements and safe practices necessary for scaffold erection, modification, dismantling, use and storage. This Procedure should be used in conjunction with recommended requirements under regulations of Saudi Administration, and other Middle East countries generally based on OSHA, Saudi Aramco and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE guidelines which help to achieve safe scaffold erection and use. This safety procedure must be followed to all operating and project sites of construction companies in Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Oman and Arabian Spar is well known for this safety procedures application in its scaffolding projects throughout the Middle East. The results expected from the application of this scaffold safety procedures are:
- To manage scaffold erection,
- To use and dismantling job safely,
- Control of unwanted incidents related to scaffold erection, use and dismantling work,
- Compliance to regulatory requirements of government related to Scaffolds, and
- To provide safe scaffolding platform for jobs to be done at height for any construction project.
The above expected scaffold safety result can be guaranteed only when standard quality marked scaffolding products and services are used in scaffolding work, such as the most reliable and tested Arabian Spar scaffolding Pipes & Tubes, Cuplock Systems, Ringlock Systems, Tube and Fittings, Scaffolding Steel Boards/Plank, Ladder & Lattice Beams, couplers or frames, scaffold metal deck and other materials used to assemble for building a scaffold in construction industries and oil refineries for health and safety purposes of manpower.
The other most important safety procedural requirements for scaffold is application of the quality and approved scaffolding services provided for erecting, altering or dismantling a temporary scaffolds platform to support construction workers from which a person or object can fall more than 4 meters from there. This scaffolding work must be provided by an authentic and government approved scaffolding product and service supplier under the supervision of a person, i.e. supervisor or engineer holding the appropriate class of high-risk work license from an authorized institution. Arabian Spar is known for quality supply of scaffolding services, such as Contract Scaffolding Services, Hire and Sales, Design, Manpower/Training… in KSA, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Oman, Qatar and other MENA countries.
Specific Terms Related to Scaffold Safety Procedures

- Brace: A member fixed diagonally across two or more members in a scaffold to afford stability.
- Bracing: Bracing is a system of braces or ties that prevent distortion of a scaffold.
- Base Plate: It is a Mild Steel (MS) square plate of 100 mm x 100 mm x 6 mm thick with 38 mm diameter and 75 mm long spigot supporting at bottom to the standard at ground.
- Competent Person: one who through training and/or experience
- is knowledgeable of applicable scaffolding regulations;
- is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards related to the erection, alteration, dismantlement, storage, and inspection of scaffolding; and
- has the authority to take prompt corrective actions to eliminate such hazards.
- Fabricated-frame scaffold: A scaffold consisting of a platform(s) supported on fabricated end frames with integral posts, horizontal bearers, and intermediate members (also known as welded-frame scaffold and sectional scaffold).
- Guard rail: A horizontal rail secured to standards and erected along the exposed edges of scaffolds to prevent workmen from falling.
- HIRA: Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) is to identify and evaluate the hazards, Risk and put controls measures for safe execution of activities.
- Hazard: Source or situation with potential for harm, something that can cause body injury / occupational illness, damage company property.
- IDLH: Immediate Danger to Life and Health (IDLH)
- Job: A piece of physical work defined by time or other limits and that has a clear start and end point.
- Job Safety Analysis: Job safety analysis (JSA) is a procedure which helps integrate accepted safety and health principles and practices into a particular task or job. In a JSA, for each basic step of the job, it is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest way to do the job.
- Kicker Lift: The vertical distance measured from ground to the center of first ledger, normally this distance is 150 mm from ground and provided when scaffold is more than 6.0M height or scaffold carrying heavy load.
- Ledger: A horizontal member which ties the standard at right angles and which may support putlogs and transoms.
- Lift Height: The vertical distance measured between center of two ledgers. Normal lift height is 2.2 M.
- Mobile (rolling) scaffold: A castor-mounted sections of tubular metal scaffolds and are used for work on street lighting, plant, etc.
- Non-Routine Job/Task: Where an SOP / SMP is not available or the conditions of the SOP/ SMP have changed.
- PPE: Personal Protective Equipment.
- PTW: Permit to Work.
- Putlog: A scaffold member spanning from ledger to ledger or from ledger/standard to a building and upon which platform rests.
- Racker: An inclined load bearing tube that braces the scaffold against ground.
- Risk: The likelihood (probability) which can lead to potential negative consequences.
- Risk Assessment: A systematic and structured process whereby hazards present in a workplace, or arising from workplace activity, are identified, risks assessed / evaluated, and decisions prioritized in order to reduce risks to acceptable levels.
- SHE: Safety, Health and Environment.
- Sole Plate: It is a Mild Steel plate of 300 mm x 300 mm x 6 mm thick, provided below the base plate in unpaved area.
- Severity: The level of consequence/harm of an event that could occur due to exposure to the hazard present.
- Shall: Mandatory requirement.
- Should: Optional requirement.
- Scaffolding Supervisor: A competent person who through training and/or experience:
- is knowledgeable of applicable scaffolding regulations;
- is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards related to the erection, alteration, use, dismantling, storage, and inspection of scaffolding; and
- has the authority to take prompt corrective actions to eliminate such hazards.
- Scaffolder: A person who through training and/or experience is capable of erecting, moving, modifying and dismantling scaffold.
- Qualified Scaffolding Person: a qualified person is “one who— by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience—has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project.”
- The standard defines a qualified person as “one who—by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience—has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project.”
- Scaffold: Any temporary elevated platform (suspended or supported) and its supporting structure (including points of anchorage) used for supporting man, material or both.
- Supported scaffold: One or more platforms supported by outrigger beams, brackets, poles, legs, uprights, posts, frames, casters, or similar rigid support. Examples include fabricated-frame scaffold, system scaffold, tube-and-coupler scaffold, and manually propelled mobile scaffold.
- Suspension (suspended) scaffold: One or more platforms suspended by ropes or other non-rigid means from an overhead structure(s).
- System scaffold: A scaffold consisting of posts with fixed connection points that accept runners, bearers, and diagonals that can be interconnected at predetermined levels.
- Standard: A vertical or near vertical member used in the construction of scaffold for transmitting the load to the foundation.
- Tube-and-coupler scaffold: A supported or suspended scaffold consisting of a platform(s) supported by tubing, erected with coupling devices connecting uprights, braces, bearers, and runners (also known as tube-and-clamp scaffold).
- Transom: A member spanning across ledgers/standards to tie a scaffold transversely and which may also support a working platform.
- Toe Board: A barrier placed along the edge of scaffold platform and secured there to guard against the falling of material and equipment.
- Task/Activity: A sequence of steps taken to conduct a job. A task is a sub element of a Job.
Scaffold Safety Procedure General Information

1. Erection, Dismantlement, Movement, and Modification
Approved Permit-To-Work (PTW) and Job Safety Analysis (JSA) shall be made available before erecting, dismantling, moving, or modifying scaffolding. Examples of hazards to consider include, but not limited to the following:
- Working from heights
- The presence of nearby electrical lines or process equipment
- Hazardous area classification
- The condition of working surfaces
- The presence and activity of other people in the vicinity of the work
- The weather (Heavy rain, high wind velocity-more than 36 Km/Hr, etc.)
- Scaffolding shall be erected, dismantled, moved, and modified only under the direction of a competent person and by employees who have received appropriate and specific training for the work they are to perform. Determination and designation of competent persons for scaffold work are the responsibility of the site except where local regulations set other criteria.
3. Categories and Classification
Most scaffolds fall into one of the four primary categories:
- Tube and coupler scaffold/Coup lock scaffold
- Suspended scaffold
- Mobile scaffold
- System scaffold
- Supported scaffold
- Scaffolds are classified according to their intended use as:
- Light duty
- Medium duty
- Heavy duty
Load duty | Light | Medium | Heavy/Special | |||
Maximum Safe load in Kg/M² | 75 | 150 | 225 | 300 | 450 | 600 |
Maximum bay length in meter | 2.7 | 2.2 | 1.8 | 1.4 | 1.0 | 0.8 |
4. Specifications of Scaffolds applicable to all Scaffolds
- All elevated structures/ working platform areas shall be guarded on all sides.
- Railings and toe boards shall be provided on the platform.
- Scaffolds shall be designed to support at least 4 times the anticipated weight of Men and material.
- Make certain that all scaffolds are in plumb and level at all times.
- Scaffolds shall be secured from tipping when the scaffold height exceeds four times its minimum base dimension.
- Scaffolds shall be constructed at least 2 planks wide unless location makes this physically impossible.
- The scaffolding width is determined by the width of the boards, the minimum width allowed for two boards is 600 mm but a more typical four-board scaffold would be 870 mm wide from standard to standard. More heavy-duty scaffolding can require 5, 6 or even up to 8 boards width
- Landing platform shall be provided at every 9 meter of height.
- The members of scaffolds shall overhang not less than 6″ on either ends but not more than 12″. They shall be fastened on both ends and laid tight by scaffolds and clamps.
5. Specifications of Scaffolds applicable to Tube-and-Coupler Scaffold

- Minimum height of first horizontal member (Ledger) of scaffolds from the Ground/Kicker lift member shall be 2.2 meters. When scaffold is more than 6 meters height or carrying heavy load, kicker lift should be provided.
- The mid rail and Top rail shall be at height 600 mm and 1200 mm respectively and toe boards (150mm) shall be securely attached to the platform.
- Wall scaffoldings shall be secured between structure and scaffolding, at least every 10 meters of length and 8 meters of height.
- Minimum overlap of vertical members (standards) and/ or horizontal members (Ledgers) shall be 600 mm with at least two couplers.
- Base plate 100 x 100 x 3 mm shall be used to support all vertical pipes of Scaffolds.
- Sole plate of 300 x 300 x 6 mm shall be used at all unpaved area to support base plate.

6. Precautions applicable to Mobile Scaffold
- Attach castors with plain stems to the panel or adjustment screw by pins or other suitable means. Mid rail and Top rail shall be at height 600mm and 1200 mm respectively.
- Apply castor brakes at all times when a scaffold is not being moved.
- Do not ride rolling scaffoldings.
- Remove all material and equipment from platform before moving scaffolding.
- Do not try to move rolling scaffolding without sufficient help. Watch out for holes in the floor and for overhead obstructions.
- Do not use brackets on rolling scaffoldings without first considering the overturning effect.
- Mobile Scaffolds shall be designed to restrict maximum height verses length to 4:1.
Do’s and Don’ts for Scaffold Safety
- Use only certified scaffolding, tagged with “Scaffolding Complete, Ready for Use” like Arabian Spar Scaffoldings.
- Maintain three-point-contact while climbing up or down the ladder.
- Use rope or container or other suitable means for carrying material from or to ground.
- Maintain good housekeeping, especially at elevated working platform and near the access.
- Do take special precautions while working in vicinity of mobile cranes or electrical overhead lines.
- Wear full body Arabian Spar safety harness with double lanyard/ personal fall arrest system or other equally effective means while ascending or descending the ladder or scaffolding working platform is not fully guarded.
- Do check for emergency approach/ evacuation, especially adequacy means of egress.
- Use safe Spar scaffolding material handling ways while shifting the material.
- Do report “At-risk conditions” e.g. missing ladder, incomplete decking, improper guarding, no landing platform, loosely clamped ladder, etc. to your supervisor.
- Do check weekly certification of scaffold at random.
- Do not use any part of operational line or pressurized piping as a support, or tie point for scaffolds or staging.
- Do not permit mixing of scaffold types in any one structure (e.g., steel/aluminum couplers, wooden boards/metal grid boards).
- During the possibility of a thunderstorm, no work shall be executed at a height where a person can be exposed to lightning and heavy storms.
- Never keep loose tools, materials, etc. at height in a way it may roll off and fall from height.
- Do not use cross-bracing or end-frame (unless specially designed) for access.
- Avoid overloading and impact loading
- Never alter or modify or dismantle any part of the scaffold without permission from scaffolding supervisor or Arabian Spar personnel.
- Do not throw tools or scaffolding materials from height.
- Do not use “Unauthorised and Incomplete Scaffold”.
Arabian Spar is supported by its qualified and experienced R&D team having the expertise in application of the advanced technology of construction field used in the USA, European Union, Japan, Australia, etc. for scaffoldings production to ensure the scaffolding standard quality of SGS, JIS, ASTM, BS, and others.

Arabian Spar came into being with an aim and objective to be a professional one-stop engineering scaffolding standard quality products and OSHA (USA) standards, Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety Handbook (SSH), and the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM), and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE based scaffolding services supplier for erecting and dismantling of scaffolds temporary platform for construction work in Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK, and other Middle East countries.
Arabian Spar Scaffolding standard quality product materials and scaffolding services which meet OSHA, ARAMCO, Adnoc, Enoc, UAE and SABIC specification and testing are:
A. Arabian Spar Scaffolding Products
- Pipes & Tubes: HR (Black), Galvanized (Hot-Dip) or Pre-galvanized types Round Tubes, Square Tubes, Rectangular Tubes, ERW pipe…
- Cuplock Systems: Vertical Standard (Open End), Ledger (Horizontal), Intermediate
Transom (Horizontal)
- Ringlock Systems: Ledgers, Braces, Hop Up Bracket, Base Collar…
- Tube And Fittings: Galvanised Iron Scaffolding Tubes, Double Coupler, Swivel Coupler, Putlog Coupler, Grider-Coupler, Board Retaining Clamp, Toe Board Couplers, Sleeve Coupler, Ladder Clamp, Rocking Or Swivel Base Plate, Adjustable U Head Jack, Scaffolding Ladder Beams, Scaffolding Ladders, Heavy Duty Self-Closing Scaffolding Gate, Scaffolding Base Plate, Adjustable Base Jack…
- Scaffolding Steel Boards/Plank: Lvl Wooden Scaffold Board, Steel Boards without
Hooks, Steel Boards with Hooks…
- Ladder & Lattice Beams: Scaffolding Ladder Beams, Scaffolding Ladders, Lattice
B. Arabian Spar Scaffolding Services
- Contract Scaffolding Services: Construction and plant maintenance in Oil & Gas and Petrochemical sector
- Hire and Sales: With the i-Hire Inventory Management System and control the movement of the equipment throughout the different branches and client Projects around KSA.
- Scaffolding Design & Inspection: conforming to various standards viz. British, European, and American, Australian, Saudi Aramco and other Middle Eastern client / project specifications.
- Manpower/Training Supply:
- Manpower— On short term and long-term basis for their requirements during Turn around, shutdowns, operation, maintenance, construction and contracting etc.
- Training— Basic Awareness, Intermediate, & Advanced Scaffolding Training…
Support Services
- Design – Specialized Access Scaffold.
- Design – Formwork & False work
- In House Scaffolding Training
- Health and Safety Training

Moreover, by keeping the safety and security of scaffolds structure and workers, scaffolding customers should not compromise with the kinds and quality of scaffolding products and services used in scaffolding works.
Locations for Arabian Spar Scaffolding Products & Services
For Arabian Spar quality scaffolding products and services based on OSHA, Saudi Aramco, and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE safety standard and rules, clients can contact on the following addresses given below:
King Abdullah Road, After Flyover, Behind KPS 33
Post Box -1396, Al- Jubail – 31951,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel : +966 (13) 3619096, +966 (13) 3627320
Fax: 966 (13) 3618032
Email: info@arabianspar.com
PO Box 4424, Ring Road, Exit-22,
Faryan Street, Riyadh-14515
Saudi Arabia
Mobile: +966 533762893
Tel: +966 11 2044947
Fax: +966 11 2044947
email: info@arabianspar.com
PO Box 15188,
815 F – Ibn Battuta Gate Offices,
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 549 985054
Tel:: +971 455 78125
Email: uae@sparindustries.com
Near Riyadh and Saudi
Fransi Bank Behind KPS 33
Al Jubail KSA
Tel : +966 (0)13-3627320
5. RAK – UAE
PO Box 37374, Plot No. P111,
Al Ghail Industrial Park,
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE