The scaffold standards, safety rules, and guidelines in the construction industry apply to every scaffolding products and services used from beginning to end of the designed structure of the project under process. The basic supporting foundation on which the designed structure is to be built is scaffold prepared by using different scaffoldings with the help of scaffolding work.
What are Scaffolds, Scaffoldings, and Scaffolding Work?

A Scaffold is a temporary structure raised as a supporting working platform for building permanent any designed real estate project. Scaffolds are of different types as per the requirement of the project commonly used in construction work for the safety of workers and the materials used under the process when work cannot be done at ground level or on a finished floor. And, Scaffolding means the individual components or specific materials, like Pipes & Tubes, Cuplock Systems, Ringlock Systems, Tube and Fittings, Scaffolding Steel Boards/Plank, Ladder & Lattice Beams, couplers or frames, scaffold metal deck and other materials used to assemble for building a scaffold i.e. temporary supporting structure for health and safety purposes.
Scaffolding Work is the services provided for erecting, altering or dismantling a temporary scaffolds structure raised to support a platform from which a person or object could fall more than 4 meters from the platform or the structure. This work must be undertaken under the supervision of a person holding the appropriate class of high-risk work license from an authorized institution. Arabian Spar is known for quality supply of scaffolding services, such as Contract Scaffolding Services, Hire and Sales, Design, Manpower/Training… in Saudi Arabia, UAE, and other MENA countries
Why are safety rules and regulations required in scaffolding work?

There are many reasons why scaffolding safety procedures and rules are so important. Most important of them are the unstable, weak, inefficient scaffolding platforms and falling of workers during scaffolding work which causes injuries as well as death. As per Arab News report that more than 600 workers in the Kingdom die or suffer serious injuries on construction sites every year.
The actual scaffolding tubing and connectors are often counterfeit. The possible consequences of this counterfeit are terrifying. The sub-standard products are sold off as genuine under copied sheets of advertising literature of safe and OSHA standard products.
Some businesses are selling copied scaffolding either made Saudi Arabia or imported from other Gulf countries to people who, because the product looks the same, believe it is the same. But it is not the same and they buy it because it’s much cheaper.
Wooden scaffolding is a common sight in some cities. If it is made of good timber, a soundly designed structure, and meets the recommended loading requirements of its own, other material, and the equipment used in the construction process, it can be perfectly safe. However, the dehydrating effect of the climate on timber means that it only has a short life. When it is used repeatedly, the danger of collapse increases dramatically.
Erecting a safe scaffolding platform needs training of supervisors, construction workers, and supervision of scaffolding work by a licensed supervisor. Laborers are often not trained either because they add to costs and contractors are unwilling to pay for them. The resulting unsound constructions of scaffolds are often not inspected and when they are, the rules are routinely ignored.
Thus, safety is possible but it needs constant vigilance and active enforcement of recommended scaffolding standards, procedures, and guidelines during scaffolding work.
For this reason, why every construction industry must follow scaffolding safety procedures and regulations in raising and dismantling of scaffolding platform.
Which scaffolding safety standards and rules are followed in KSA & MENA countries?

Saudi Arabia has a set of safety standards, rules, and procedures for scaffolding work on construction sites, closely following the American Occupational Safety & Health Administration OSHA standards, Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety Handbook (SSH), the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM), and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE. They are highly detailed in both the manufacturing standards and construction details. The regulations of OSHA, SSH, CSM andAdnoc, Enoc, UAE compare very favorably with the toughest in the world.
What are OSHA scaffolding safety rules and procedures for construction work followed in Saudi Arabia?
The OSHA scaffolding standards and rules required for construction work are detailed in the guidebook. Here an outline of them is given in brief.
Summary of OSHA Scaffolding rules
What are the scaffolding standards?

There are several key provisions of OSHA’s scaffolding standard:
- Fall protection or fall arrest systems: Each employee more than 10 feet above a lower level shall be protected from falls by guardrails or a fall arrest system, except those on single-point and two-point adjustable suspension scaffolds. Each employee on a single-point and two-point adjustable suspended scaffold shall be protected by both a personal fall arrest system and a guardrail.
- Guardrail height: The height of the top-rail for scaffolds manufactured and placed in service after January 1, 2000, must be between 38 inches (0.9 meters) and 45 inches (1.2 meters). The height of the top-rail for scaffolds manufactured and placed in service before January 1, 2000, can be between 36 inches (0.9 meters) and 45 inches (1.2 meters).
- Crossbracing: When the crosspoint of crossbracing is used as a top-rail, it must be between 38 inches (0.97 m) and 48 inches (1.3 meters) above the work platform.
- Midrails: Mid-rails must be installed approximately halfway between the top-rail and platform surface. When a crosspoint of crossbracing is used as a mid-rail, it must be between 20 inches (0.5 meters) and 30 inches (0.8 m) above the work platform.
- Footings: Support scaffold footings shall be level and capable of supporting the loaded scaffold. The legs, poles, frames, and uprights shall bear on base plates and mudsills.
- Platforms: Supported scaffold platforms shall be fully planked or decked.
- Guying ties, and braces: Supported scaffolds with a height-to-base of more than 4:1 shall be restrained from tipping by guying, tying, bracing, or the equivalent.
- Capacity: Scaffolds and scaffold components must support at least 4 times the maximum intended load. Suspension scaffold rigging must at least 6 times the intended load.
- Training: Employers must train each employee who works on a scaffold on the hazards and the safety procedures to control the hazards.
- Inspections: Before each work shift and after any occurrence that could affect structural integrity, a competent person must inspect the scaffold and scaffold components for visible defects.
- Erecting and Dismantling: When erecting and dismantling supported scaffolds, a competent qualified person must determine the feasibility of providing a safe means of access and fall protection for these operations.
When is a competent person required for scaffolding?
A competent person as per OSHA’s scaffolding standard is “one who has the capability of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions, which are unsanitary, hazardous to employees, and who has the authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them”.
The scaffolding standard requires a competent person to perform the following duties under various circumstances:
- In General
- To select and direct employees who erect, dismantle, move, or alter scaffolds.
- To determine if it is safe for employees to work on or from a scaffold during storms or high winds and to ensure that a personal fall arrest system or windscreens protect these employees.
- For Training: To train employees involved in erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting scaffolds to recognize associated work hazards.
- For Inspections
- To inspect scaffolds and scaffold components for visible defects before each work shift and after any occurrence which could affect the structural integrity and to authorize prompt corrective actions.
- To inspect ropes on suspended scaffolds before each work shift and after every occurrence which could affect the structural integrity and to authorize prompt corrective actions.
- To inspect manila or plastic (or other synthetic) rope being used for top-rails or mid-rails.
- For Suspension Scaffolds
- To evaluate direct connections to support the load.
- To evaluate the need to secure two-point and multi-point scaffolds to prevent swaying.
- For Erectors and Dismantlers
- To determine the feasibility and safety of providing fall protection and access.
- To train erectors and dismantlers to recognize associated work hazards.
- For Scaffold Components
- To determine if a scaffold will be structurally sound when intermixing components from different manufacturers.
- To determine if galvanic action has affected the capacity when using components of dissimilar metals.
When is a qualified person required for scaffolding?
The scaffolding standard defines a qualified person as “one who by the possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her ability to solve or resolve problems related to the subject matter, the scaffolding work, or the project.” The qualified person must perform the following scaffold duties
- In General: To design and load scaffolds following that design.
- For Training: To train employees working on the scaffolds to recognize the associated hazards and understand procedures to control or minimize those hazards.
- For Suspension Scaffolds
- To design the rigging for single-point adjustable suspension scaffolds.
- To design platforms on two-point adjustable suspension types that are less than 36 inches (0.9 m) wide to prevent instability.
- To make swaged attachments or spliced eyes on wire suspension ropes.
- For Components and Design: To design scaffold components construction according to the design’s specifications.
When is a scaffolding engineer required?
The scaffolding standard requires a registered professional engineer to perform the following duties:
- For Suspension Scaffolds: To design the direct connections of masons’ multi-point adjustable suspension scaffolds.
- For Design
- To design scaffolds that are to be moved when employees are on them.
- To design pole scaffolds over 60 feet (18.3 meters) in height.
- To design tube and coupler scaffolds over 125 feet (38 meters) in height.
- To design fabricated frame scaffolds over 125 feet (38 meters) in height above their base plates.
- To design brackets on fabricated frame scaffolds used to support cantilevered loads in addition to workers.
- To design outrigger scaffolds and scaffold components.
What other standards apply to scaffolds?
The other standards that apply to scaffold construction work are:
- the responsibility to initiate and maintain programs,
- exposures to dust and chemicals,
- hand and power tools,
- electrical,
- personal fall arrest systems, and
- ladders.
Arabian Spar has qualified and experienced research and development (R&D) team for scaffoldings production who is always curious to learn and apply the advanced technology of construction field used in the USA, European Union, Japan, Australia, etc. ensuring the quality to the scaffolding standard of SGS, JIS, ASTM, BS, and others.
Arabian Spar came into being with an aim and objective to be a professional one-stop engineering scaffolding standard quality products and OSHA (USA) standards, Saudi Aramco Scaffold Safety Handbook (SSH), and the Saudi Aramco Construction Safety Manual (CSM), and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE based scaffolding services supplier for erecting and dismantling of scaffolds temporary platform for construction work in Saudi Arabia, UAE, UK, and other Middle East countries.
Arabian Spar Scaffolding standard quality product materials and scaffolding services which meet OSHA, ARAMCO, Adnoc, Enoc, UAE and SABIC specification and testing are:
A. Arabian Spar Scaffolding Products
- Pipes & Tubes: HR (Black), Galvanized (Hot-Dip) or Pre-galvanized types Round Tubes, Square Tubes, Rectangular Tubes, ERW pipe…
- Cuplock Systems: Vertical Standard(Open End), Ledger (Horizontal), Intermediate
Transom (Horizontal)
- Ringlock Systems: Ledgers, Braces, Hop Up Bracket, Base Collar…
- Tube And Fittings: Galvanised Iron Scaffolding Tubes, Double Coupler, Swivel Coupler, Putlog Coupler, Grider-Coupler, Board Retaining Clamp, Toe Board Couplers, Sleeve Coupler, Ladder Clamp, Rocking Or Swivel Base Plate, Adjustable U Head Jack, Scaffolding Ladder Beams, Scaffolding Ladders, Heavy Duty Self-Closing Scaffolding Gate, Scaffolding Base Plate, Adjustable Base Jack…
- Scaffolding Steel Boards/Plank: Lvl Wooden Scaffold Board, Steel Boards without
Hooks, Steel Boards with Hooks…
- Ladder & Lattice Beams: Scaffolding Ladder Beams, Scaffolding Ladders, Lattice
B. Arabian Spar Scaffolding Services
- Contract Scaffolding Services: Construction and plant maintenance in Oil & Gas and Petrochemical sector
- Hire and Sales: With the i-Hire Inventory Management System and control the movement of the equipment throughout the different branches and client Projects around KSA.
- Scaffolding Design & Inspection: conforming to various standards viz. British, European, and American, Australian, Saudi Aramco and other Middle Eastern client / project specifications.
- Manpower/Training Supply:
- Manpower— On short term and long term basis for their requirements during Turn around, shutdowns, operation, maintenance, construction and contracting etc.
- Training— Basic Awareness, Intermediate, & Advanced Scaffolding Training…
Support Services
- Design – Specialized Access Scaffold.
- Design – Formwork & False work
- In House Scaffolding Training
- Health and Safety Training
Moreover, by keeping the safety and security of scaffolds structure and workers, scaffolding customers should not compromise with the kinds and quality of scaffolding products and services used in scaffolding works.
Locations for Arabian Spar Scaffolding Products & Services
For Arabian Spar quality scaffolding products and services based on OSHA, Saudi Aramco, and Adnoc, Enoc, UAE safety standard and rules, clients can contact on the following addresses given below:
King Abdullah Road, After Flyover, Behind KPS 33
Post Box -1396, Al- Jubail – 31951,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Tel : +966 (13) 3619096, +966 (13) 3627320
Fax: 966 (13) 3618032
Email: info@arabianspar.com
PO Box 4424, Ring Road, Exit-22,
Faryan Street, Riyadh-14515
Saudi Arabia
Mobile: +966 533762893
Tel: +966 11 2044947
Fax: +966 11 2044947
email: info@arabianspar.com
PO Box 15188,
815 F – Ibn Battuta Gate Offices,
Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 549 985054
Tel:: +971 455 78125
Email: uae@sparindustries.com
Near Riyadh and Saudi
Fransi Bank Behind KPS 33
Al Jubail KSA
Tel : +966 (0)13-3627320
5. RAK – UAE
PO Box 37374, Plot No. P111,
Al Ghail Industrial Park,
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
Tel: +971 7258 9988
Fax: +971 7228 1737
Email: info@sparsteel.com
Website: www.sparsteel.com
6. UK
Suite No. 2, Frendown, Wooderford Road, London England, E18 2 ED
Tel: +971 7258 9988